Name | Category | Country | Year |
Jon Bloeming | Platinum Lifetime Achievement Award | Netherlands | 2018 |
Widjai Raghoenandan | Beste performer of the year Award | Netherlands | 2017 |
Mario Krom | Rising star of the year Award | Netherlands | 2017 |
Naditha Soysa | Instructor of the Year Award | Sri Lanka | 2017 |
Bhan bahadur Chand | Outstanding contribution to Martial Art Award | Nepal | 2017 |
Surindra Singh Bist | Martial Art pioneer of the year Award | Nepal | 2017 |
W.M.F.Lindemans | Master of the year Award | Netherlands | 2017 |
Paul van Koningshoven | Platinum Livetime Achievement Award | Netherlands | 2017 |
Amrish Bieharisingh | International Competitor of the year Award | Suriname | 2016 |
Nini Harpal | Wrestling Living Legend Award | Suriname | 2016 |
Paulo van Geest | Rising Star Award of the year | Netherlands | 2015 |
Erik van Loenen | Most Dedicated Assitant of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Lokesh Raghoenandan | Assistant instructor of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Widjai Raghoenandan | Beste Inval Leraar of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Armand Doebar | Beste Partner of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Divya Raghoenandan | Most Motivated student of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Winston Arrias | Promotor of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Lailam Liu | Sponsor of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Stephanie Rodjan | Volunteer of the year Award | Netherlands | 2015 |
Niko van Keymolen | Instructor of the year Award Award | Belgium | 2015 |
Emma Parewijck | Beste Nieuwkomer van het jaar Award | Belgium | 2015 |
Selin Parewijck | Most Dedicated student of the year Award | Belgium | 2015 |
Cees Freke | Golden Lifetime Achievement Award | Netherlands | 2011 |
Gerrit van der Plas | Senior member of the year | Netherlands | 2011 |
Willem van Duijvenvoorde | Instructor of the year | Netherlands | 2011 |
Piet kuijt | Master of the year | Netherlands | 2011 |
Monica Knetsch | Martial Art woman of the year | Netherlands | 2011 |
Seyed Ahmad Taleghani | International instructor of the year | Iran | 2011 |
Bryan Wongsopawiro | Assistant Instructor of the year | Netherlands | 2011 |
Louis De Luyck | Martial Art pioneer Of the year | Belgium | 2011 |
Luc Lazet | Golden Lifetime Achievement Award | Netherlands | 2010 |
Jaap Korzelius | Platinum lifetime Achievement Award | Netherlands | 2010 |
Philippe Jouan | Senior student of the year | France | 2010 |
Didier Mahe | Instructor of the year | France | 2010 |
Daniel Bernard | Master of the year | France | 2010 |
Rob van Meerbeek | Most dedicated assistant of the year | Netherlands | 2010 |
Elsbeth Thakoer | Martial Art woman of the year | Netherlands | 2010 |
Mr en Mevr. Raghoenandan | Special Merit & Loyalty Award | Netherlands | 2010 |
Marilyn Richardson | Humanitarian Award | Netherlands | 2010 |
Mala Thakoer | Humanitarian Award | Netherlands | 2010 |
Outstanding Leadership Award | Louis de Luyck | Belgium | 2009 |
Luca Angeli | Grandmaster of the year Award | Italy | 2009 |
Sorab Mowlabucus | Seminar Leader Award | Mauritius | 2009 |
Johnny Tazelaar | Regional Achievement of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Andy Cockram | Outstanding Instructor Of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Terence Uitenbroek | Best student of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Laurens den Outer | Rising star Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Jeffrey v/d Raaf | Best male Martial Art Of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Mohamed Hajaj | Instructor of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Henk Bloemink | Promotor of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Esther Smol | Secretary of the year Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
Aris Binnekade | Humanitarian Award | Netherlands | 2009 |
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