Name Category Country Year
Jon Bloeming Platinum Lifetime Achievement Award Netherlands 2018
Widjai Raghoenandan Beste performer of the year Award Netherlands 2017
Mario Krom Rising star of the year Award Netherlands 2017
Naditha Soysa Instructor of the Year Award Sri Lanka 2017
Bhan bahadur Chand Outstanding contribution to Martial Art Award Nepal 2017
Surindra Singh Bist Martial Art pioneer of the year Award Nepal 2017
W.M.F.Lindemans Master of the year Award Netherlands 2017
Paul van Koningshoven Platinum Livetime Achievement Award Netherlands 2017
Amrish Bieharisingh International Competitor of the year Award Suriname 2016
Nini Harpal Wrestling Living Legend Award Suriname 2016
Paulo van Geest Rising Star Award of the year Netherlands 2015
Erik van Loenen Most Dedicated Assitant of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Lokesh Raghoenandan Assistant instructor of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Widjai Raghoenandan Beste Inval Leraar of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Armand Doebar Beste Partner of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Divya Raghoenandan Most Motivated student of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Winston Arrias Promotor of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Lailam Liu Sponsor of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Stephanie Rodjan Volunteer of the year Award Netherlands 2015
Niko van Keymolen Instructor of the year Award Award Belgium 2015
Emma Parewijck Beste Nieuwkomer van het jaar Award Belgium 2015
Selin Parewijck Most Dedicated student of the year Award Belgium 2015
Cees Freke Golden Lifetime Achievement Award Netherlands 2011
Gerrit van der Plas Senior member of the year Netherlands 2011
Willem van Duijvenvoorde Instructor of the year Netherlands 2011
Piet kuijt Master of the year Netherlands 2011
Monica Knetsch Martial Art woman of the year Netherlands 2011
Seyed Ahmad Taleghani International instructor of the year Iran 2011
Bryan Wongsopawiro Assistant Instructor of the year Netherlands 2011
Louis De Luyck Martial Art pioneer Of the year Belgium 2011
Luc Lazet Golden Lifetime Achievement Award Netherlands 2010
Jaap Korzelius Platinum lifetime Achievement Award Netherlands 2010
Philippe Jouan Senior student of the year France 2010
Didier Mahe Instructor of the year France 2010
Daniel Bernard Master of the year France 2010
Rob van Meerbeek Most dedicated assistant of the year Netherlands 2010
Elsbeth Thakoer Martial Art woman of the year Netherlands 2010
Mr en Mevr. Raghoenandan Special Merit & Loyalty Award Netherlands 2010
Marilyn Richardson Humanitarian Award Netherlands 2010
Mala Thakoer Humanitarian Award Netherlands 2010
Outstanding Leadership Award Louis de Luyck Belgium 2009
Luca Angeli Grandmaster of the year Award Italy 2009
Sorab Mowlabucus Seminar Leader Award Mauritius 2009
Johnny Tazelaar Regional Achievement of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Andy Cockram Outstanding Instructor Of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Terence Uitenbroek Best student of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Laurens den Outer Rising star Award Netherlands 2009
Jeffrey v/d Raaf Best male Martial Art Of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Mohamed Hajaj Instructor of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Henk Bloemink Promotor of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Esther Smol Secretary of the year Award Netherlands 2009
Aris Binnekade Humanitarian Award Netherlands 2009